Monday 2 June 2014

International Sherry Week

International Sherry Week

Between 2nd and 8th of June will be celebrate the International Sherry Week in Jerez de la Frontera. This event will organize activities of promotion and diffusion of the culture and the moderate consumption of the Sherry wine.
The International Sherry Week is the evolution of the World Sherry Day in which the last year was organized more than 300 events in only one day. These events are independents and they are organized by sherry's fans that use the International Sherry Week's platform to promote it.
This year has the particularity that the Regulatory Council of Sherry collaborated in the organization and also, this year, Jerez is the European Wine City so this event will achieve higher international participation and promotion.
Many national and international chefs support this International Sherry Week, as Frank Camorra (Australia), Ryo Sakai Ardoak (Japan), Hannes Desmedt y Helle Cattelein (Belgium).

If you are interested in the events, you can visit the official web site in which appears all the activities of this week.


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