Monday 16 June 2014

‘De brindis con brandy de Jerez’ (A toast with brandy of Jerez)

‘De brindis con brandy de Jerez’ (A toast with brandy of Jerez)

It is a fair dedicated to brandy that it will celebrate between the 2nd and 6th of July, in Alameda Vieja (next to the Alcazar). This celebration is within of the program of Jerez European Wine City 2014.
The fair will have 16 stands (jaimas, Arab tents style) in which will develop many activities as, for instance, brandy tastings, show cocktails and show cookings, concerts, ice sculptures... Moreover, it will celebrate competitions of the best cocktail using brandy of Jerez, the best pairing and the best ice cream using brandy.

The fair will open the 2nd of July at 8pm and the artist Nolasco will inaugurate at 11:30pm the concerts that will be celebrated during the fair. Next Thursday 3rd will participate the band "Los mundos de Yupi" at 10pm and "Lucian y Regina Blue" at 12am. Friday 4th of July will be developed other activities as "Performance brandy" and the performance of "DJ Residente".

The fair will be open from 5pm to 2am.


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