Next Events: Depart of the Vuelta (Cycling Tour to Spain)

Next 23rd of August The Vuelta will depart from Jerez, where will carry out a team time trial in the city streets. The event will begin at 19:00

Next Events: "Flamenco's Fridays

1st, 8th, 15th and 2nd of August As the last years, the city council organizes the Flamenco's Fridays. It is an event in which all the Fridays of August there are performances of flamenco in a monumental place of the city, the Alcazar of Jerez.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Holy Week

Holy Week


The Holy Week of Jerez de la Frontera is one of the most important events of the city. It is declared National Tourist Interest and it is one of the biggest Holy Weeks of Andalusia in the number of Brotherhoods and artistic quality. The Jerez Holy Week is a religious event but also, is cultural and popular.
This year, the Holy Week will celebrate from 13th to 20th of April.


The origin of the Jerez Holy Week is found in the 16th century when were founded the first Brotherhoods which had as aim the public penitence. At first, the Brotherhoods had few numbers of brothers which were divided in two groups, brothers with candles and brothers that were punishing themselves (it is not exist currently). Also the pasos were small with a sculpture Christ or a Virgin Mary.
These events continued until the 18th century when the King Carlos III removed all the Brotherhoods which they statutes were not approved by the government, namely, all Jerez's Brotherhoods. Step by step the Brotherhoods were changed their statutes but the political and social situation during the 19th century was not good for them, due to, the French invasion, anticlerical governments... which provoked the disappearance of the majority of the Brotherhoods.
During the 20th century, the ancient Brotherhoods were refunded and were created others new, recovering the brilliance of the event.
Regarding to the artistic heritage, in the origin, these Brotherhoods did not have funds to do the sculptures and due to this the materials were weak quality which provoked that nowadays, there are not any sculpture of that time. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Brotherhoods had more funds and began to buy better sculptures, which are conserved nowadays.
During the 18th century the Brotherhoods followed with the same trend buying good quality sculptures. In the 19th century with the political and social problems, the Brotherhoods did not increase their heritage. Finally, in the 20th century, with the recovery of the Brotherhoods and the new trends of Seville’s Holy Week, the Brotherhoods began to buy heritage, changing a little bit the style that had been doing during the last centuries. We could say that Jerez's Holy Week, from an artistic view; it is one of the most important of Andalusia but also, of Spain.


In this event the Brotherhoods do penitence to the Jerez's Cathedral, in a particular day each one, starting the Palm Sunday and finishing the Easter Sunday with an average of 6 Brotherhoods per day. (There are some Brotherhoods from the Thursday before the Palm Sunday which are new and they do not penitence to the Cathedral). Each Brotherhood represents in its pasos one of the scenes of the Christ's passion. The pasos are heavy structures of wood (usually coated with gold leaf) or silver (in the case of the Virgin Mary's pasos) in which above it, there are the sculptures. The pasos are carried by the brothers of each Brotherhood, called "costaleros". The numbers of the costaleros depend of each paso, but generally are 40 in the Christ pasos (called too as paso de misterio) and 30 in the Virgin Mary pasos (Called too as paso de palio). The costaleros are guided by the foreman and his auxiliaries, who guide the paso through the Jerez streets.
The pasos go accompanied by music bands which play procession marches, although exist Brotherhoods which go in totally silence.
Each Brotherhood generally is divided in two, on one hand the Christ procession and on the other hand the Virgin Mary procession. At the front of the procession, one brother with a cross, called guide cross, open the procession and the rest of the brothers follow him with candles or Brotherhood's insignias. Each Brotherhood has different robe which is wearing by the penitentes or nazarenos (the brothers) of the Brotherhood.

The Christ pasos or pasos de misterio, are formed by a wood structure which is coated with gold leaf or varnished; and cloths which cover the interior where are the costaleros. On the top, are located the sculptures which can be, a scene of the Christ passion, as the Last Supper for instance; Christ crucified or Christ carrying with the cross. Also this place is decorated with flowers. The pasos's weight depends of each one, but never is less of 700 kilos.

Regarding to the Virgin Mary paso or paso de palio, are done of silver. The sculpture is the Virgin Mary crying, because of her pain, which is covered with a cloth ceiling carrying by 12 silver decorated sticks, "palio". In front of the Virgin is placed some candle rows called "candeleria". In general, the palio and the paso's cloths and the Virgins' cloak are embroidery with floral decoration.

Each Brotherhood has its own schedule and itinerary, but all of them pass by the "Carrera oficial" (Official Route) which is set of streets in which exist boxes with chairs that the people have rented to see the Brotherhoods, and it finish in the Cathedral.
The tourists should not be worried of the Official Route because is possible to see the Brotherhoods in other places of the itinerary or even, in the Official Route.
Each Brotherhood has a special place in which is recommended to see them, because the procession pass by a narrow street, monuments or because it is a typical saeta place. (Saeta: Flamenco sing dedicated to the sculpture and usually occur sporadically during the itinerary).
(It has to highlight that the Brotherhoods have, besides the procession, other aims as the worships and charity during all the year)

During the next days and weeks, it will post new information about Brotherhoods, schedules, itinerary, recommended places and more...

Motorcycle Grand Prix Weekend

Motorcycle Grand Prix Weekend

From 2nd to 4th May

It is one of the grand prix of "Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix". It is one of the most famous and important of the world due to the atmosphere and number of visitants. In 2007, the circuit achieved the assistance record to a sport event in Spain with 134,138 spectators.

The Motorcycle Grand Prix of Spain is celebrated in Jerez circuit and this edition will be the number 27. Jerez is considered the Motorcycle Cathedral in Spain by the motor racing fans. Thousands of people come to Jerez during that weekend invading the city with motorcycles. The hotels occupancy during the weekend in Jerez and other cities is 100%.

The visitors can enjoy with concerts; stands of foods, drinks and merchandising; and others activities that the city prepares to them. Also, the motor racing fans can visit the circuit museum and, in general, all the Jerez monuments during these days.
The motorcycle pilots say that Jerez Grand Prix is different because of the circuit, the fans and the atmosphere, and due to this, all of them want to win and the Sunday racings always are spectaculars.

During the next weeks will post the timetable of the events.
More information and tickets sales in:

Horse Fair

Horse Fair

From 11th to 18th May
(Official Poster of the Horse Fair 2014)

Horse Fair (also known as Fair of Jerez or Fair of May). It is the most important celebration. It is declared as International Tourist Interest and is one of the most important and visited fair of Spain. It is celebrated in May and has hundreds of stands where can eat and drink the typical products of Jerez de la Frontera, Andalucia and Spain. The protagonist of the fair are horses and exist many horses shows. Unlike other fairs, anybody can entry to the stands because are publics.
The horse Fair has its origin in the Medieval Age, in the fairs which were organized to sale horses. The Fair is located in the Parque Gonzalez Hontoria.
During the noon is celebrated the horse and carriages parades in the fair's central streets.

The fair has more than 250 stands with great environment and with typical gastronomy of Jerez; and between them compete in two competitions, "The Best Tapas" and "The Best Decoration".

Regarding to the gastronomy it highlights the fried fish and seafood, typical stews, paella, tortilla de patatas... The drinks in the fair are the wines of Jerez, Fino and Oloroso, and also there is a refreshing drink very popular in the fair, the "rebujito", it is a mix with Fino and soda.
Women usually wear flamenco dress during the noon, being the flamenco one of the protagonist in the fair.

During the Horse Fair, the hotel occupancy in Jerez de la Frontera is 100% and many tourist and national and international famous come to Jerez, due to this, the fair has become world famous.

(Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis in Horse Fair)

To the kids the Fair has an attractions area.

The Fair has the particularity of having special dedicated days to the kids (Monday) when the attractions are cheaper, women day (Wednesday) when is common the groups of women wearing flamenco dress.
Moreover, there are other parallel celebrations during the fair as bullfights or activities around the horse.

If you ask to a local person about which is the best event to visit in Jerez de la Frontera, the person surely will answer you that the Horse Fair is the most important event in the city.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Gonzalez Byass Wineries

Gonzalez Byass Wineries

Gonzalez Byass's Wineries was founded by Manuel María González Ángel in 1835. The businessman bought a small winery and begun to export his wines. A year later, Manuel María González was associated with Robert Blake Byass, London businessman.
The wineries are world famous, not only for its wines, but its world awards as The Best Winery of the World by the International Wine and Spirit Competition or the best tourism wine centre 2014.
This winery is one of the most visited tourist attraction of Jerez de la Frontera, being visited by 240,000 visitors per year, and due to this, it is also the most visited of Europe and one of the most visited of the World.
There are some curious things in the  visit like mice drinking sherry, barrels of wine that have been signed for famous, athletes and politician of all the world and some Kings and Queens of Spain. Also there is Royal Winery of La Concha, built in 1869 and designed by the famous French engineer Gustavo Eiffel.
During the visit, the tourist will know the facilities, but also there are other tourist attraction like the history of the wineries, sherry and the city, Equestrian and flamenco spectacles and wine tasting.

Contact and location

Address:  Manuel María González, 12
Telephone: 956357000 
Fax: 956357003


Languages: Spanish, English, French, German and Dutch. 
Visit duration: 1 hour and half
Visit timetable from Monday to Saturday.
·         Spanish: 12.00 - 13.00 - 14.00 - 16.00 - 17.00
·         English: 12.00 - 13.00 - 14.00 - 17.00
·         German: 12.15 - 14.00 - 16.00
Visit timetable Sunday:
·         Spanish: 12.00 - 13.00 - 14.00
·         English: 12.00 - 13.00 - 14.00
·         German: 12.15 - 14.00

Monday, 10 March 2014

Villapanés Palace

Villapanés palace

This palace represents to the civil architecture of the 18th century. It was built by the Panés family that had Genoese origin.
The palace construction was started by Petronila Pavón, Villapanés Marquis's wife, and was finished by Miguel María Panés González de Quijano. The monument has two houses, the most ancient has its facade in the Empedrada street and it is known as "the big house"; the other one, known as "small house" has its facade in the Cerro Fuerte and Cruz Viejas streets.
The big house highlighted by its simple and elegant features, having a three floor facade in which highlights a rectilinear balcony. Inside highlights the arcaded courtyard red marble and the elegant red marble staircase which is surrounded by frescoes painted on the walls and a decorated dome.
The construction of the small house begun in 1766, with the aim to balance the house with the new facade and also, create a monumental facade to the Cruz Vieja street. It is repeated the same elements and decorative materials of the big house, highlighting the two corners. On the left, it is located the Archangel St. Michael and on the right, the Archangel St. Raphael.
The palace had a very important library. Miguel María Panés González de Quijano, marquis of Villapanés , was a cult and illustrated man, also, was member and the first president of the Economic Society of Friends of the Country in Jerez, being the first headquarters this palace.
The marquis had in this palace one of the best libraries of Andalusia, which was opened to the public. The library disappeared in a shipwreck when it was travelling to Genoa.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Riquelme palace

Riquelme palace

The Riquelme palace is a 16th century monument which is renaissance style. It is located in the city centre, in Plaza del Mercado next to the Archaeological Museum and the San Mateo Church.
The building was paid by the Riquelme family during the medieval age with the aim of show to other noble families their power. The building was built in the main square of Jerez after the city conquest and was designed in a modern style in comparison with the medieval architecture that existed in Jerez.
Currently, the palace is in rehabilitation process. The palace was the main civil building when was built.
The facade was built in 1542 by Fernando Álvarez and shows a big exterior front. It has two floors according with the palaces style of the 15th century.
The main door has a sculptural ornamentation with allusions to the classical mythology and some symbols. It has to highlight the two reliefs of Hercules, below of these, it is represented to the left to Hercules fighting against the Nemea Lion and, on the right, the Ueyanira kidnapping by the Neso centaur.
The decoration is completed with a central frieze in which are appeared a bust, the heraldic shield of the family and four medallions which correspond to the emperor Constantine, the twins Romulus and Remus, the king Nebuchadnezzar and Queen Camilla of the Aeneid.
It highlights also, the columns of the exterior angles of the building which have Renaissance Corinthian capitals which influence is due to the Genoese traders that came to Jerez.